Red & Mung Bean Pudding Dessert Recipe


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  • Red & Mung beans (up to you if you want more or less you can vary the portions)

  • 300mL water

  • 1 can coconut milk

  • 90g cornstarch

  • 7 tbsp condensed milk


1 ) Soak red & mung beans overnight.

2) Bring water + beans to a boil and cook for around 20 minutes or until the beans are soft (you can cook longer or short based on texture you prefer).

3) Add coconut milk to cooked beans/water mixture.

4) Add cornstarch to wet ingredients and mix well. Then add condensed milk.

5) Put mixture back onto the stove and keep mixing it to prevent burning. Stop cooking once mixture reaches a boil to avoid overcooking.

6) Let the mixture cool completely and put into an airtight container in the fridge.

7) Once pudding solidifies, slice and serve!


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