Compression Socks & Braces
Click here to book a free virtual fitting appointment & to order!
Who is it for?
If you sit or stand most of your day (i.e. office workers, nurses, light attendants, construction workers, teachers, retail workers, etc.)
If you have venous insufficiency (poor venous circulation in your legs & feet)
If you have swelling in your legs & feet
If you have spider veins/varicose veins
Frequent travellers
Does insurance cover compression socks?
Insurance covers medical grade compression socks that are at least 20-30mmHg. Usually you are covered a certain number of pairs per year (I.e. 4 pairs per calendar year).
Call your insurance company to check your coverage
We provide all receipts, billings and details you need to get reimbursed.
You need a doctor’s note with the following information: 1) Your condition, 2) 20-30mmHg medical grade socks and 3) How many pairs you are covered for.
What compression socks do you sell?
Lengths: Knee high, thigh high & panty hose
Styles: work, sport, comfort, casual, maternity, unisex, women, men’s and more
Custom fitted medical grade (20-30mmHg or higher)
How can I buy custom compression socks from you?
Queenie can fit you virtually (all you need are 3 measurements and you can easily measure it using a tape measure. It’s just like online shopping for clothes!)
Queenie can also fit you in-person.

Click here to book a free virtual fitting appointment & to order!
Benefits of Bracing:
support, stabilize or protect joints and muscles
pain management
support for activities, work and sports
you can get support for your entire body: shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand/fingers, lower back, thigh, knee, ankle, etc.
Insurance Coverage:
Call your insurance to check your coverage.
We provide all receipts, billing and details you need to get reimbursed.
Common Conditions that may benefit from custom braces, stabilizers or supports:
Joint sprains
Muscle strains
Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, arthritis
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Repetitive overuse injuries
Post-operative & traumatic care
Soft tissue injuries
Support during sports/work
meniscal or ligament injuries and tears
Joint instability, subluxation or malalignment
How can I get custom bracing or supports from you?
Queenie can fit you virtually. All you need is a tape measure and it’s just like online shopping for clothes!
Queenie can also fit you in-person.